Gwent Wiki
Gwent Wiki

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game[]

You humans have... unusual tastes.


Order: Give an allied unit Immune.

Witcher links[]

Witcher icon See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Avallac'h
Witcher icon See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Mysterious Elf (gwent card)


Appearances can be deceiving.

At last.

It’s time.

You will see it… in your dream.


Gwent icon Gwent Update: Oct 23, 2018:  Avallac'h power changed from 8 to 6. Ability rework: Order: Give an allied unit Immune. Removed Doomed tag.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Feb 09, 2018:  Added Doomed tag.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Oct 31, 2017:  Added Mage tag.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: July 05, 2017:  Avallac'h power changed from 10 to 8.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: May 24, 2017:  Avallac'h power changed from 8 to 10. Now Neutral, Loyal & Agile (was Monsters, Disloyal & Siege). Ability Rework.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Feb 20, 2017:  Avallac'h strength changed from 6 to 8.
