“ | A favorite son who chose a life of villainy.
” |
Move an enemy to the opposite row and apply Biting Frost to it.
Animated card[]
- Note: For accurate card stats, see infobox to the right; the one below is for illustrative purposes only.

Witcher links[]
See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Caranthir Ar-Feiniel
Patch changes[]
Gwent Update: Feb 9, 2018: Name change: Caranthir Ar-Feiniel (was Caranthir). Caranthir Ar-Feiniel Power changed from 8 to 9.
Gwent Update: Oct 31, 2017: Added Officer Tag. Adjusted the tooltip to match new "Hazard" Tag in the game.
Gwent Update: Aug 29, 2017: Caranthir Power changed from 9 to 8. Will now move 1 (instead of 3) Enemy Unit(s).
Gwent Update: July 5, 2017: Caranthir will now move 3 Enemies instead of 5. Caranthir Power changed from 5 to 9. Biting Frost changes apply to him.
Gwent Update: May 24, 2017: Caranthir Power changed from 6 to 5. Ability rework; Deploy: Move 5 Enemies to this Unit's row on your opponent's side and apply Frost to that row on that side only. Now Agile and Legendary as every other Gold (was Melee and Epic).
Gwent Update: Feb 6, 2017: Caranthir's strength changed from 8 to 6. Caranthir and Wild Hunt Hounds will now be Weather Immune. (were Frost Immune). Wild Hunt Hounds spawned by Caranthir will now be Fleeting.
Gwent Update: Dec 2, 2016: Caranthir is now immune to Frost.