Gwent Wiki
Gwent Updates – Gwent Update: Mar 23, 2017

Feb 20, 2017 • • • • • List of Updates • • • • • March 29, 2017

New Features[]

  • New Game Board: The game board has been changed to make it more legible and accessible.
  • Move History: Players can now review which cards have been played over the course of the match.
  • New Card Laying Mechanic: Card positioning has taken on a new dimension. Players can now choose exactly where on a row to play their cards, and many abilities now refer to a card's relative position on the row.
  • Taunt System: Players can now communicate with each other using predefined "taunts" spoken by their avatar.


  • Thunderbolt Potion now lets you choose 3 adjacent units and buffs all non-Gold units among them (positioning).
  • Dimeritium Bomb now affects 5 adjacent units (positioning).
  • Commander's Horn now lets you choose 5 adjacent units and buffs all non-Gold units among them (positioning).
  • Geralt: Aard changed to Ranged.; now lets you choose 3 adjacent units on the opposing Melee or Ranged row and affects all non-Gold units among them (positioning).
  • First Light changed to Fleeting. Clear Skies or Rally go to the graveyard instead.
  • Field Marshal Duda: Agitator now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.; Agitator now has the Fleeting tag.
  • Field Marshal Duda: Companion now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.; Companion now has the Fleeting tag.
  • Unicorn now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.; Unicorn now has the Fleeting tag.
  • Chironex now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.; Chironex now has the Fleeting tag.
  • Roach is now summoned before Kayran's ability is resolved.
  • Lambert strength changed from 6 to 5.
  • Eskel strength changed from 6 to 5.
  • Clear Skies now removes all Weather effects on the battlefield.
  • Cyprian Wiley now only deals 3 base damage to an opposing non-Gold unit. No effect when removed from board.
  • Ciri: Dash strength changed from 9 to 8.
  • Unicorn no longer affects Gold units.
  • Chironex no longer affects Gold units.
  • Stammelford's Tremors now deal 2 damage to 6 random opposing non-Gold units (if available).
  • Thunderbolt Potion no longer gives Witchers an additional buff.
  • Swallow Potion no longer gives Witchers an additional buff.
  • Dimeritium Shackles now lock the units they affect but do not reset them to base strength.
  • Renew can no longer resurrect Permadeath units.
  • Mustered/spawned units now appear to the right of the summoning card (positioning).
  • Quen Sign now protects from changes to base strength.
  • Triss Merigold can no longer target Gold units.
  • Manticore Venom now lets you choose 3 adjacent units and deals damage to non-Gold units among them (positioning).
  • All abilities that lock units can also be used to unlock units. Note that unlocking does not bring back Tokens the unit had before being locked. Exceptions: Radovid, Assassination
  • The Blizzard Potion is now a choice card. You choose between two cards, one applying Weather Immunity, the other removing it.
  • Rally now draws the top Bronze unit from your deck.
  • Field Marshal Duda: Companion strength changed from 3 to 1.; Field Marshal Duda: Companion now affects non-Gold units within 4 spaces to the left (positioning).
  • Field Marshal Duda: Agitator strength changed from 3 to 1.; Field Marshal Duda: Agitator now affects non-Gold units within 4 spaces to the left (positioning).
  • Cleaver strength changed from 5 to 6.
  • Johnny now banishes the chosen card instead of putting it on the bottom of the deck.
  • Cyprian Wiley strength changed from 5 to 7.
  • Ragh Nar Roog now removes 2 base strength from 8 random opposing non-Gold units.
  • Mardroeme: Mutagen now resets target unit to a base strength increased by 2 relative to its initial value.
  • Mardroeme: Spores now resets target unit to a base strength decreased by 2 relative to its initial value.
  • Villentretenmerth now has the Permadeath tag.; Villentretenmerth strength changed from 7 to 4.
  • Yennefer: The Conjurer strength changed from 5 to 4.
  • Operator strength changed from 6 to 8.

Northern Realms[]

  • Dun Banner Heavy Cavalry is now promoted at the end of the second turn after being played.
  • Philippa Eilhart ability changed: she now gives you the option of playing a Special Card from your hand, then drawing a card. Strength changed from 10 to 4. Now Loyal and Siege (was Disloyal and Agile).
  • Lubberkin now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.; Lubberkin now has the Fleeting tag.
  • Botchling now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.; Botchling now has the Fleeting tag.
  • Field Medic strength changed from 2 to 4.
  • Kaedweni Siege Expert will no longer lose strength when units with the Machine tag are played.; Kaedweni Siege Expert strength changed from 5 to 4.
  • Dethmold can now banish a card from either graveyard.
  • Triss: Butterfly Spell strength changed from 4 to 6.
  • Keira Metz ability changed: she now sets the unit on her right's strength to that of the unit on her left (if both are non-Gold). Strength chagned from 7 to 4.
  • Radovid ability changed: he now lets you choose 3 adjacent units and locks and deals 2 base damage to all non-Gold units among them (positioning).
  • John Natalis now buffs units one after the other --meaning he can buff the same unit multiple times.
  • Dijkstra strength changed from 5 to 1.; Dijkstra ability changed: he now plays a Gold card from your deck.
  • Margarita Laux–Antille now spawns Aretuza Adepts instead of Ban Ard Adepts.
  • Pavetta now only destroys the weakest unit(s) once.
  • Removed the Relentless tag from Triss: Butterfly Spell.
  • Dijkstra is now Disloyal.
  • Reinforced Trebuchet strength changed from 5 to 4.; Reinforced Trebuchet's countdown changed from 3 turns to 1 turn.; Reinforced Trebuchet's damage changed from 2 to 1.
  • Vernon Roche can now target units on your side as well. Can no longer target Gold cards.
  • Shani strength changed from 3 to 2.
  • John Natalis' buff values changed to 3, 2 and 1, respectively.; John Natalis strength changed from 5 to 6.
  • Botchling strength changed from 4 to 5.
  • Dandelion strength changed from 3 to 5.
  • Priscilla now draws one of the cards face-down.
  • Triss: Butterfly Spell now adds 2 strength to all non-Gold units in your hand.
  • Thaler strength changed from 6 to 8.
  • Dijkstra is now Agile.
  • Poor Infantry strength changed from 2 to 3.
  • Redanian Elite strength changed from 6 to 7.


  • Monsters Faction ability can now only keep Eredin and units played from your hand (meaning it will not keep mustered/spawned/resurrected/etc. units).
  • Vran Warrior now consumes the unit on its left (positioning). Added "Devourer" Tag.
  • Draug strength changed from 6 to 7.
  • Removed the Breedable tag from Nekkers.
  • Crone: Whispess strength changed from 7 to 6.
  • Woodland Spirit strength changed from 7 to 8.
  • Crone: Weavess strength changed from 7 to 6.
  • Ekimmara: added "Devourer" tag.
  • Fire Elemental strength changed from 5 to 6.
  • Celaeno Harpy strength changed from 3 to 5.
  • Nithral strength changed from 6 to 8.
  • Ice Giant is now also buffed when played onto a row with Frost.
  • Harpy strength changed from 3 to 4.
  • Imlerith now deals 3 damage to a non-Gold unit and 1 damage to any non-Gold units adjacent to it (positioning).
  • Kayran: added "Devourer" tag.
  • Draug ability changed: it now deals 1 damage 7 times to random opposing non-Gold units.
  • Frightener: added "Devourer" tag.
  • Ge'els' ability changed: he now adds 2 strength to each non-Gold unit on your side.
  • Giant Toad: added "Devourer" tag.
  • Ghoul: added "Devourer" tag.
  • Golem strength changed from 6 to 7.
  • Grave Hag: added "Devourer" tag.
  • Katakan strength changed from 6 to 4. Added "Devourer" tag.
  • Vran Warrior strength changed from 5 to 6. Added "Devourer" tag.
  • Succubus strength changed from 8 to 7.
  • Griffin strength changed from 6 to 7.
  • Woodland Spirit now only spawns Fog on the player's side.


  • Removed Relentless tag from Aglaïs.
  • Hawker Healer now buffs adjacent units (positioning).
  • Toruviel now adds 2 strength to all units within 2 spaces when revealed (positioning).
  • Hawker Smuggler's ability now triggers after certain abilities, such as Lock, are resolved.
  • Mahakam Defender strength changed from 4 to 5.; Mahakam Defender's Resilience now only lasts 1 round.
  • Hawker Smuggler's ability is no longer triggered by Gold cards.; Hawker Smuggler strength changed from 5 to 4.
  • Saskia strength changed from 9 to 7.
  • Zoltan Chivay strength changed from 5 to 8.; Zoltan Chivay's Resilience now only lasts for 1 round.
  • Barclay Els' ability no longer affects Gold units.
  • Iorveth can no longer target Gold units.
  • Vrihedd Sappers strength changed from 4 to 8.; Vrihedd Sapper's ability is now an Ambush, triggered after 2 turns.
  • Dol Blathanna Trapper now deals 5 damage to adjacent units when revealed (positioning).
  • Milva strength changed from 7 to 8.
  • Ithlinne now lets you choose 3 adjacent units and locks or unlocks non-Gold units among them (positioning).
  • Iorveth can now also target units on your side.
  • Hawker Support strength changed from 3 to 6.; Hawker Support buff value changed from 3 to 2.
  • Malena base strength changed from 6 to 8.
  • Iorveth changed to Ranged.
  • Aglaïs changed to Siege.
  • Isengrim changed to Ranged.
  • Ithlinne changed to Ranged.
  • Iorveth strength changed from 6 to 7.


  • Cow Carcass spawned by Rot Tosser now triggers at the end of the second round after appearing.
  • Auckes strength changed from 7 to 8.
  • Joachim de Wett now buffs the unit he plays before it is placed on the battlefield.
  • Black Infantry Arbalest strength changed from 5 to 4.
  • Nauzicaa Standard Bearer now buffs adjacent units (positioning).
  • Cantarella strength changed from 6 to 12.; Cantarella now loses 6 base strength when not Spying.
  • Impera Enforcers' ability now triggers before the Leader ability is resolved.
  • Spotter changed to Ranged.
  • Letho of Gulet now banishes units within two spaces (positioning).
  • Impera Brigade's buff value changed from 3 to 2.
  • Assassination no longer does any damage to your units.
  • When Cantarella draws a card, you now select it if you want to keep it.
  • Cahir ability changed: he now reactivates only your Leader's ability and lets your opponent draw a revealed Bronze card. He does nothing if your opponent has passed.
  • Cynthia's ability now does nothing if your opponent has passed.
  • Albrich's ability now does nothing if your opponent has passed.
  • Vattier de Rideaux strength changed from 7 to 8.
  • Impera Brigade now also gets buffed when you play a Spying unit after the Brigade is already on the board.
  • Emissary now has you draw the top 2 Bronze units in your deck. You play one and shuffle the other into your deck.
  • Fake Ciri strength changed from 3 to 6.
  • Rot Tosser strength changed from 4 to 6.
  • Assassination now also locks its target.
  • Tibor Eggebracht now makes your opponent draw the top Bronze card in their deck.


  • Clan Dimun Pirate Captain is now buffed when you discard a unit while it is in your deck, hand or on the battlefield.
  • Donar an Hindar ability changed to: "Immune to Weather. Draw a card. You may keep it, or discard it and draw another." Strength changed from 10 to 13.
  • Restoration no longer resurrects Permadeath units.
  • Harald the Cripple now deals 2 damage to all opposing non-Gold units.
  • Clan Heymaey Skald now buffs adjacent units (positioning).
  • War Longship now triggers only when units are discarded.
  • Clan Tordarroch Armorsmith now resets weakened units within 4 spaces to the left (positioning).
  • Lord of Undvik now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.
  • Hemdall now has the Fleeting tag.; Hemdall now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.
  • Craven Revived now has the Fleeting tag.; Craven Revived now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.
  • Lord of Undvik now has the Fleeting tag.
  • Spectral Whale now counts as a Token (spawned) unit.; Spirit Whale now has the Fleeting tag.
  • Clan Drummond Shieldmaiden's copies are now played to the right of the original (positioning).
  • Holger Blackhand strength changed from 4 to 6.
  • Wild Boar of the Sea strength changed from 8 to 6.; Wild Boar of the Sea ability changed: he now deals 3, then 2, then 1 damage to non-Gold unit(s).
  • War Longship strength changed from 5 to 4.
  • Birna Bran strength changed from 12 to 10.; Birna Bran now draws 2 cards instead of 3.
  • Cerys is now buffed by Queensguard even when locked (whether in the graveyard or on the battlefield).
  • Morkvarg strength changed from 7 to 6.
  • Djenge Frett strength changed from 6 to 8.
  • Clan an Craite Warriors now lose 1 strength instead of 2 when played.
  • Berserker Marauder strength changed from 4 to 7.
  • Raging Berserker strength changed from 4 to 6.
  • Raging Bear strength changed from 8 to 11.
  • Queensguard strength changed from 2 to 3.
  • King Bran no longer buffs the units he discards.

General Fixes[]

  • Rearranged the basic decks in the Deck Selection screen.
  • Removed tags from Leaders.
  • Various tooltip fixes.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Alba Spearmen were damaged by Savage Bear or Fireball Trap before gaining Quen.
  • Fixed an issue causing cards with 0 base strength to remain in the middle of the board after using Decoy on them.
  • Clarified the interaction of cards with the deck (drawing and shuffling)
  • Fixed an issue whereby Yennefer: The Conjurer would deal damage from the graveyard after being destroyed with Cow Carcass.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Foglets did not count as destroyed when leaving/clearing Fog.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Clan an Craite Raiders discarded by Ermion wouldn't trigger certain cards such as War Longship or Clan Dimun Pirate Captain.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Ermion's ability wouldn't work when you had 1 card left in your hand.
  • Fixed an issue whereby War Longship's ability wouldn't trigger when Ermion discarded a Special Card and a unit.
  • Lock now blocks Morkvarg and Ciri: Dash's abilities.
  • Units buffed in the deck now have their strength reset correctly when moved to the graveyard.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Lock wasn't visible in the graveyard and Olgierd and Roach would ignore the Lock.
  • Fixed an issue whereby the Reward Notifications/Spoils of War screen wouldn't show for some players.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Morkvarg's art would get corrupted after being destroyed by Villentretenmerth.
  • Fixed an "Unknown Error" from appearing when buying too many kegs.
  • Fixed an issue whereby some card art would be swapped with art for other cards.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in new cards not being added to the Collection immediately.
  • Sound should no longer glitch when the audio device is set to a sample rate higher than 96kHz.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when closing the app via the 'X' button.
  • Fixed an issue whereby the "Stop Searching" button would sometimes not work.
  • Fixed the Tutorial messages according to the latest design changes.
  • Fixed a crash while editing/creating a deck, probably caused by the computer's locale being set to something other than English.
  • Fixed an issue whereby The Last Wish did not trigger Clan Dimun Pirate Captain or War Longship's abilities.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes result in an instant "Draw" in Round 3.
  • Fixed an issue whereby using Dimeritium Bomb to demote units in Weather would reset them to base strength and ignore the Weather.
  • Main Menu tiles should no longer change to black when changing resolution.
  • Game should no longer crash after PC enters sleep mode.
  • Fixed an issue whereby cards spawned by Johnny would have no art or description and were not usable.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Donar an Hindar wouldn't discard Special Cards if only Bronze ones were left in deck.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Savage Bear would deal 2 damage to Foglets.
  • Fixed an issue whereby users would sometimes get stuck on the "Downloading Card Collection" screen.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Dol Blathanna Trapper would trigger incorrectly.
  • Changed card sorting order in Deck Builder and Collection to: Bronze Specials, Silver Specials, Gold Specials, Leader cards, Bronze units, Silver units, Gold units
  • In Collection, the card counts on the left will update based off the currently selected filters.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Vran Warrior's ability would trigger after both players had passed.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Cow Carcass' ability would trigger after both players had passed.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Dun Banner Heavy Cavalry's ability would trigger after both players had passed.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Dennis Cranmer's ability would trigger after both players had passed.
  • Fixed an issue whereby Joachim de Wett would draw a random non-Gold unit instead of the one from the top of the deck.