Gwent Wiki
Gwent Wiki

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game[]

That beer supposed to be green...?


Zeal. Order: Damage a unit by 2. Charge: 3.

Witcher links[]

Witcher icon See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Alcoholic beverages


Gwent icon Gwent Update: Dec 04, 2018:  Fixed an issue whereby Tainted Ale's ability could not be used if there was only 1 unit on the board.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Nov 06, 2018:  Provision cost changed from 8 to 9.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Oct 23, 2018:  Name change: Tainted Ale (was Expired Ale). Ability Rework. Now an Artifact. Tag Changes. Now Gold (was Silver).

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Dec 19, 2017:  Ability rework: Deal 6 damage to the Highest enemy on each row.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Oct 31, 2017:  Added.

Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker[]
