Gwent Wiki
Gwent Wiki

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game[]

Swords are for wenches. Get yourself an axe.


Deploy, Melee: Destroy an enemy with half or less than half of its base power.

Witcher links[]

Witcher icon See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Clan Tuirseach


For Bran!



Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Oct 23, 2018:  Tuirseach Axeman power changed from 6 to 2. Ability Rework. Tags Changes.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Feb 09, 2018:  Name change: Tuirseach Axeman (was Clan Axeman). Renamed Tuirseach tag to Clan Tuirseach.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Dec 19, 2017:  Name change: Clan Axeman. Clan Axeman power changed from 5 to 6. Removed Veteran ability.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Sep 29, 2017:  Clan Tuirseach Axeman power changed from 4 to 5.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Sep 05, 2017:  Clan Tuirseach Axeman power changed from 3 to 4.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Aug 29, 2017:  The ability will only trigger off of corresponding row. Added Veteran: 1. Added Soldier and Tuirseach tags.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Jul 05, 2017:  Clan Tuirseach Axeman power changed from 2 to 3. Removed Veteran ability.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: May 24, 2017:  Power changed from 4 to 2. Will gain 2 armor on deploy. Added Veteran: 1. Now Rare and Agile.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Feb 20, 2017:  The ability will only trigger off of the opponent's side.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Feb 06, 2017:  Clan Tuirseach Axeman strength changed from 2 to 4. Boost value changed from +2 to +1. Ability Change

The Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker

ThronebreakerIconLittle Thronebreaker: Oct 23, 2018 Patch: Added.

Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker[]
