Gwent: The Witcher Card Game[]
“ | Ebbing is famed for its top-notch mercenaries and light cavalry.
” |
Deploy: If your Leader was used this turn, damage an enemy by 3.
Reach: 2.
Witcher links[]
See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Venendal Division
Aen Ard Feain! (By the Great Sun!)
Gloir aen Ker'zaer! (Glory to the Emperor!)
Hael Ker'zaer! (Long live the Emperor!)
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Gwent Update: Oct 23, 2018: Venendal Elite power changed from 1 to 2. Added Human tag. Ability Rework.
Gwent Update: Dec 19, 2017: Won't boost self by 1 for targeting a revealed special card.
Gwent Update: Oct 31, 2017: Added.
The Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker
Thronebreaker: Oct 23, 2018 Patch: Added.
Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker[]
Main article: Venendal Elite (Thronebreaker)