Gwent Wiki
Gwent Wiki

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game[]

The Great Sun shall warm the North with its rays, even if it means I must slaughter you all!


Deploy: Boost a Soldier ally and all copies of it by 2.

Animated card[]

Note: For accurate card stats, see infobox to the right; the one below is for illustrative purposes only.

Witcher links[]

Witcher icon See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Vreemde
Witcher icon See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Vreemde (gwent card)


Stand your ground!

Victory or death!

We live and die for the emperor!


Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Oct 23, 2018:  Now Gold (was Silver). Added Human tag. Replaced Officer with Soldier tag. Ability Rework.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Jan 15, 2018:  Rolled back to Silver as the Leader change was unintentional.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Jan 11, 2018:  Vreemde is a Leader card now.

Gwent icon Gwent Update: Dec 19, 2017:  Added.

The Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker

ThronebreakerIconLittle Thronebreaker: Oct 23, 2018 Patch: Added.

Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker[]
