Gwent Wiki

Hatred burns brighter than any fire, and cuts deeper than any blade.


Swap a card and boost self by its base power.

Animated card[]

Note: For accurate card stats, see infobox to the right; the one below is for illustrative purposes only.
Vrihedd Officer

Witcher links[]

  • Witcher icon See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Vrihedd

Patch changes[]

  • Gwent icon Gwent Update: Dec 19, 2017:  Vrihedd Officer Power changed from 4 to 5. Will no longer boost self by 5 if a swapped card was a special.
  • Gwent icon Gwent Update: Sep 5, 2017:  Vrihedd Officer Power changed from 6 to 4. Will now Boost self by the base Power of the card from your Hand you Mulligan, not the card you Draw.
  • Gwent icon Gwent Update: Aug 29, 2017:  Vrihedd Officer Power changed from 7 to 6. Now Agile (was Siege). The ability to Mulligan is now optional. Will now Boost self by the drawn card's base Power (or by 5 if it's a Special card). Added Officer Tag.